creates the world we dream of.

Introducing POSCO N.EX.T Hub

Next 50 Years for the POSCO Group
A “global top-tier” research institute leading eco-friendly future technology

A research institute where excellent talented professionals want to work for its unique industry-academia-research-and-venture infrastructure and agile organizational culture

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We prepare
for the future.

POSCO N.EX.T Hub aims to make it to the “global top tier” in the field of eco-friendly future materials.
We will do our best to focus on technology development in an agile and creative organizational culture
so that our results can lead the next 50 years of the POSCO Group.
We're working to realize the dream of green hydrogen production free of greenhouse gases.
POSCO Green Hydrogen is here to serve the world.

Research Interests

POSCO N.EX.T Hub implements comprehensive research for the POSCO Group's core businesses based on three research institutes in the fields of AI, secondary battery materials, and low-carbon hydrogen energy.